Charleston: Character & Color

Over the course of the semester, we’ve had the chance to visit some pretty great places for Chip’s 4th year of med school (still having a hard time believing we’ve gotten to this point in the process!). While his time away for a few months hasn’t always been easy, I have loved being able to join him for some days here and there in some awesome cities!

A few weeks ago, we visited Knoxville for the weekend after hearing endless recommendations during his month there to come back when the leaves were changing. Early one morning, we devoured some Tupelo Honey Cafe biscuits before heading to the Smokey Mountains to hike. If you haven’t done either of those things, you must! Get in your car and take a day trip. You won’t regret it.

And going back a bit further in the semester was his month in Charleston. I got to visit for a bit to work during the days, then explore the city at night until Chip finished with work. This counted as our “beach trip” for the year, and although we didn’t get to do much relaxing on the beach, we certainly saw some amazing sunsets! I loved the character and charm of “The Holy City.” There are so many textures and colors to be found. Here are some of my favorite shots from the week:

Charleston door blue

Charleston door secret gardenI loved happening upon this little “secret garden” of sorts.

Charleston door pipe

Charleston door front

Charleston door Pink  Charleston door eagle

Charleston beach wood

Charleston beach pier

Charleston beach sand

Charleston beach bird

Charleston beach ground

Charleston beach couple Lauren

Charleston beach bushand

Charleston beach blue pink Lots of beauty in these cities close to Georgia. While I absolutely love Athens, it’s always nice to explore a new town. Can’t wait to see where the next adventure takes us!